Corporate Restructure & Turnaround.
With offer practical advice and critical assistance to companies that are underperforming or are in a stressed or distressed scenario.
We can provide strategy, operational help and interim management services for companies that have that are solvent but have become stressed because of a deterioration in trading, they are facing litigation or regulatory issues, or there has been change in its corporate financing structure. We also work with 'Distressed Companies' that are usually balance sheet or cash flow insolvent.
Our services include:
Interim management
Negotiating with Debtors.
Negotiating with Creditors.
Negotiating with Landlords.
Negotiating with Regulatory Bodies.
Advising on litigation and assisting with settlements.
Negotiating funding requirements with banks and lenders.
We can often help give a company the critical breathing space and time it needs to enable it to return to profitable trading.
For more information about how we can help your business then please get in touch on enquiries@argentumcapitalpartners.co.uk